Little Seeds Lie Fast Asleep
Little seeds lie fast asleep In a row, in a row.
“Wake up, wake up,” calls the sun, “Wake up now and grow."
Little seeds wake one by one In a row, in a row.
Then they stretch up t’ward the sun And be - gin to grow.
Roommates who drive me to Walmart for Seeds,
Bishop's who give me Cow Poop,
Egg-cartons, "pop"bottles, Gatorade bottles,
Strawberry containers, and diced Jalapenos :)

In the toilet paper rolls that I collected from our trash like every day!! I cut and folded the bottoms so I can later transplant them to pots. And what am I growing?? Peas!! YAY I want them to grow fast so I can move them outside when the weather gets warm and grow up the railing outside my apartment.
I also decided to try regrowing food from leftover scraps. I so far have a romaine lettuce and a celery. They just started to sprout!!
I am also getting way too excited for spring and to see my family so soon I am counting down the days until school is over and I have a much needed break.
So awesome! They look great.