Valentines in Rexburg. A scary place for single girls who are not exactly looking for a date. On the flip-side Rexburg is the most depressing place EVER for girls who WANT to have a BOYFRIEND. Sigh life is so hard;) Well V-day was a blast this year because ALL of my roommates were single! We decided that we didn't JUST want to sit at home watching sappy love movies. So we went out on the town. Which translates to we drove to the DI and went shopping and then got Taco Bell for dinner.

BUT living in a small town full of Mormons means that there is always an adventure to be had even just going to DI. We drove over and as we pull in the parking lot we notice two boys with the hood of their car open. We walk up to the store and they call us over asking if we can jump their car. KJ brings her car around and they get out the cables. Ok so I don't mean to stereotype and be totally sexist here but I just figure if you have a car and are a boy that you would know how to hook up jumper cables. Well I stand corrected. They did try i'll give them that , but even
I know that you don't start moving things around once the car is started! Well we helped them get the car started.....and then he took out the keys.....and it died again.....smart I know. So we started it again and sent them on their way. We had a good laugh about it once we were inside. We started shopping and looking around for stuff when the boys cam BACK to the store. They said that they didn't really thank us and wanted to take us to ice cream. So we hid all of the items we had found in the store inside of clothing racks so we would be able to find them when we came back and we went to Dairy Queen for $1 cones.

We then went back and finished shopping finding lots of... "fashionable" clothing. (Well i'm sure it might have been at one time in history) I found one sweater that kind of looked like that old video game,
Galaxian that we used to play when we were little. I didn't end up getting the sweater but did get a floral belt! We then continued on our trip to Taco Bell. When we got home we ate dinner and watched Napoleon Dynamite, You Again and Safe Haven. We basically had a big sleepover in the front room. Livin' V-Day to the fullest! ♥♥♥♥♥♥

So I love to decorate our little Apartment for every Holiday and Valentines day is one of the fun ones. Hearts, ♥'s and more <3 's!!! I couldn't help but draw on every surface available! We even put up a Hugs for 5cents sign on out window. We thought it was a good joke until 3 boys we didn't even know came over looking for hugs because they saw our sign! Then we knew it was time to take THAT sign down;) I even went outside and got a branch to make a paper rose tree!

I also made Rice Krispies with pink, red, and white M&Ms and cut them into hearts. I cut the leftovers into little bite size Krispies for my VT sisters. I love having an excuse for making holiday treats!
The last thing I did for V-day was make cards for my family. I painted a lilac branch for Mom, and make personalized cards for everyone else. Even though I didn't end up sending them until much later I sent them eventually :)