Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I just love the fall weather and the smell in the air. I love to get together with family and make a big meal so the house smells good all day long. For our apartment I made a Thankful Jar and when we all get back from thanksgiving break we will open it and read what everyone was thankful for this month.
This month I was thankful to receive a package in the mail! My mom sent it to me for my 1/2 birthday and it was full of fun stuff. Thanksgiving decorations, gum, nail polish, Mormon ads, a leaf, and just random stuff like glow in the dark stickers, skittles, confetti conversation starters.
I took the thanksgiving window stickies and put them on the window but it needed somethings more...Because last month's Halloween window silhouettes were such a big hit I made another one for this month. A TURKEY!! I used what ever we had in the apartment which meant a Winco bag, sticky notes, and duck tape. :)
JB and I also love to try fun new foods. We have been keeping this on pinterest and finally made it. Hotdogs with noodles cooked through them. We added a mac and Cheese packet to the creation that we now call our "jellyfish" dinner.
Last month we went to BH's battle of the dance performance and this month she got to go back to her high school and preform again. We were all invited to go the the pageant. I have never been to anything like that before and it was an "experience". Haha, OK it wasn't that bad, but I don't see myself going to one of those again unless I knew more than one girl.

This month I also got a brand new cousin! She is so cute and not even a squishy old man looking baby :D
(side note: Don't get me wrong, I love babies and kids. But when babies are just born they are usually gross and wrinkly. I just don't think most newborns are very good looking until they are at least 2 months old, that's all i'm saying.)
Anyways my aunts baby did not come out very squishy and has lots of dark hair! I'm so excited to hold her when I go home for Thanksgiving!!
Oh so very excited to see you. Caroline is excited too I'm sure 😊