So these past two weeks have been semi busy semi slow. I have been doing more basic art techniques like Line, Color, and Shape. It's been kinda fun to go back to the basics but it also drives me crazy. I got marked down on one of my assignments for shading it and not just leaving the lines. :(
I have been able to continue with my goal of going to the temple once a week although it's not always in the mornings...sleeping in sometimes wins out. :)

Some things that are new in college life are cable TV. We constantly fin ourselves watching TLC's "What not to Wear", "Say YES to the Dress", "Four Weddings", "Little People Big World", "19 Kids and Counting", "Twins Twins Sextuplets", and even the occasional "Long Island Medium". Once I started listing all the shows I've been introduced to these past weeks it makes me feel like a TV junky. AND because I watch these shows I see the commercials for other shows like "Alaskan Women Looking For Love", "Amish Mafia"and "Secret Princes". I am now convinced that you can literally make a TV show out of NOTHING!! AND people
will watch it.
The weather, in case you're wondering, has been AMAZING! It's pretty cold for a Californian in the morning dropping to the low 30 degrees at night and doesn't warm up to the 40's until about 10. Unfortunately My early classes are at 7:45-8:45 and 9-10. When I walk home at 10 I can't see my breath in the sun, but as soon as I walk in the shadow of a building the temperature drops and I can see my breath. Brrr. I try not to complain to myself or others about the cold because I know that this is NOT even cold yet.

Halloween is coming and I grew up in a house where we decorated for EVERY holiday. What do you do as a college student with limits on what you can put up in your apartment? You IMPROVISE! We made recycled cardboard cutouts of bat's, a pumpkin, tombstones, and a moon and put them up in our window. They look pretty crazy from the inside but AWESOME from the outside. If I get some time this weekend and feel motivated I will finish the monster Silhouettes and put them up in the next window to the left. I also got spider webs from the dollar store and covered our front door! They keep getting stuck to anyone who walks trough the door! SUCCESS!!

This week one of our girls got a surprise from her mom in the mail. She had no idea what it was and we watched her open the box. She pulled back the newspaper and pulled out a long tinfoil wrapped object. Still confused she opened it up and showed us a plastic bag full of homemade Frankenstein ricecrispies. The next tinfoil package was the same thing. We all laughed as she pulled out tinfoil package after package of cute Halloween treats. The frankencrispies were just the start as she pulled out witch finger cookies, and chocolate covered peanut butter filled Ritz crackers.

Speaking of baking, we have been making some treats ourselves. For FHE our appt. was in charge of dessert so we made spice cupcakes with powder sugar frosting from scratch. YUM!! We have been having so much fun getting to know our FHE family. We have done things like go to the park, participated in an iron chef contest (we won a BIG bag of candy), and gone to another member of the bishopric's house for tacos. It's starting to feel more like family and we even act it sometimes too. It was BH's birthday this week and the boys were nice enough to make her a cake and bring it to FHE. Of course they were sill boys and put trick candles on it so she had to continue to blow them out over and over, but it's the thought that counts right?
It feels like we do so much together as roommates and I never document it. For BH's birthday she wanted to go to the Pizza Pie Cafe. We all got the all you can eat buffet and man was it good! There was everything from pepperoni to potato to Oreo pizzas. It was so fun to just get out of the apartment all together and do something fun. After dinner we also stopped by the dollar store. We were going to pick up some toilet paper because we were out and were only planning on getting a couple rolls. Well it was 4 for $1...so we bought 10 packs. When we got up to the register the cashier was a little amused at the fact that we were buying 40 rolls of toilet paper. He asked us if we were planning on TPing someone. We said no just buying toilet paper, but the look on his face showed that he didn't believe us.
In other news I have been nagging on one of the girls to sign up for the upcoming event Battle of the Dance. She has been in many dance contests in the past and is really good. After much pushing she finally tried out and to no ones surprise made it!
We are all going to support her on Saturday and I'm super excited!! I just got my ticket!!