First Sunday at college, in Rexburg, and in a student ward!
We woke up and BH made everyone waffles for KJ's Birthday. We had no problem getting up and ready for church because it doesn't start until 11 am. We met in the Snow building which is the closest building to us. The snow building is the preforming arts, music, and dance building. we met in a concert hall for sacrament meeting and a dance studio for both Sunday school and Relief Society. It was the last two classes because the dance studio we were in had all of the walls lined in mirrors so anywhere you sat you were looking at yourself and everyone in front and behind you. The classes were so slow and Sacrament meeting was SUPER quiet. I'm guessing that was because there were no kids or babies.
After church we took a walk around a little of campus to warm up after sitting in that FREEZING building (I guess that's why they called it the Snow Building haha). When we came home we got lunch and changed into comfy hanging out clothes. Unfortunately about an hour after church two guys from our ward stopped by to tell us about sharing rides for the ward activity the next day. I happened to be the only one dubbed dressed enough to answer the door (which means I was wearing pants not running shorts). Two of the girls were actually in the room but were not seen or heard once the door was opened. As soon as I closed the door we busted up laughing. From then on I was made the official door opener. We were visited the same day by the ward clerk, and then again by the girls next door. We played scrabble, watched movies, and made tacos/fajitas for dinner together. We had so much fun just being together and getting to know each other. I love these girls already!
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