This week it predicted snow on Wednesday, but it never came, all it did was rain and rain. There are always clouds in the sky and my roommate from AZ isn't used to waking up everyday and seeing the sky overcast and cloudy; just feels like winter to me.
Also on Tuesday we went to devotional and listen to Elder Christofferson speak. He wasn't this AMAZING speaker and he didn't talk about anything out of the ordinary or profound, but the feeling I got when he entered the room was powerful. I know he is an apostle and a man of God and as he shared his testimony of Jesus Christ I felt the Holy Ghost confirm to me that every word he spoke was true.
The rest of the week went good and I got all of my classes finalized by adding yet another online art class. It's crazy that I started out with 11 credits and am now taking 16.5! For right now I think I have a pretty good handle on spreading out my time between the on campus and online classes. My favorite class currently is my English class. My teacher is having us write personal narratives and teaching us the difference between "Showing" and "Telling" in our writing.
This is an example I did in class:
I grew up in a yellow house with white trim and lilac bushes lining the driveway. Big tall shade trees in front and back with a tire swing and a trampoline. Watermelon decor covered every inch of the kitchen. The family room had a couch, a TV, and two computers side by side in the family room. My room was long and rectangular with my bunk bed at the end.
I grew up in a faded yellow house with dirty, now off-white trim. Lilac bushes lined the driveway that only bloomed for a few short weeks in the spring. Big shade trees in the front and back yards that had thousands of leaves that got sticky with sap and stuck to our shoes and feet in the fall. We had a tire swing in the back, along with a trampoline and an old, broken, and rusty swing set. I still remember birthday parties, picnics, with the neighborhood kids, and playing in the back on those long summer days.
Watermelon decor covered every inch of the kitchen so when we invited friends over they would come in and always try to count how many melons there were. We did an official count once; more than 100 watermelons in our small kitchen. The kitchen also held a bundle of memories. Family dinners, birthday cakes and songs, family and friend game nights, art projects, late night homework. The kitchen connects to the family room so in a way I guess the memories spilled into that room as well.
The family room was just that a room for our family. It was our place of play, of family night, and watching movies with all our bedding, pillows, blankets around us. We built forts with chairs or moved the couches to put a big bed sheet over the heater vent to make a cave. As kids we felt lucky to have two computers side by side where we spent hours mastering computer games like sonic, pinball, and peggle; we got quite good.
My room was in the back of the house and was more rectangle than square like the other rooms. For such a small room we packed it full of two dressers, a desk, a toy chest, a dollhouse/bookshelf. and a bunk bed. My sister and I shared the room and my art projects, clothes, school papers mixed in with the barbies and baby dolls. I'm not clean when it comes to my room, but everything had its place.
The imperfections all around is what made my house a home.
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This class had made me really take a step back and remember my childhood from a now "adult" perspective. We had another assignment this week to write about "Eating". That was the whole prompt and I guess with all of this self reflection on my childhood I just applied that to eating as well. (Below is what I wrote in class)
I would say that eating is like a love hate relationship. Mostly love. I grew up in a family of not picky, but particular eaters that are that way because of my parents. In general I will eat almost anything. I have always loved the fresh fruits and veggies and I eat most cultures of food except for sea food.
Why not sea food?
It all has to do with what we grew up being served in my house. I never grew up eating ANY seafood, therefore I don't eat it now.
For me this is similar in the case of Salad dressings. My dad is not a big fan of most dressings so I never tried them and my mom never forced me to try them because they are to her considered and "extra". Looking at just this one instance I realize that many of my eating habits as a child and even now have a lot to do with my dad. My mo generally cooks the meals and because she loves my dad she doesn't cook many things HE doesn't like to eat. Things that are "white, creamy, or cheesy" are usually the things he doesn't prefer. Therefore foods like Alfredo, Mac & Cheese, Potatoes Soup, and Carousals were never served for dinner.
On the opposite end of the scale we eat a LOT of Mexican foods. WHY? Well because my dad really likes Mexican food, he went on a mission to Argentina, and as an added bonus my mom loves Mexican food as well. This has caused me and my siblings to also grow up loving all sorts of Mexican food both the traditional and the Americanized.
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Speaking of food, the eating situation is really working well. JB and I share food and we eat dinner together every night and lunch most days. On Sundays all six of us eat together. This week we had a variety of meals and JB and I are starting to get the hang of the "planning meals for the week" thing. This week we also had some bananas from some of the other girls go BLACK. So what do you do with old bananas? You make AMAZING banana bread muffins of course! They were SUPER good and made our Wednesday 10X better as we braved the cold.
On Friday JB and I had a friend from High School over for dinner and games. We had a really fun time playing Pictionary and rat slap with cards. We decided on brownies and ice cream for dinner and pizza for dessert. Crazy, I know, but we had so much fun we decided to make it an apartment tradition to do it again on every last Friday of each month.
On Saturday we went to the General Relief Society broadcast at the I-Center. It was so neat to be in a place surrounded by other sisters in the church and to be spoken to directly by the General RS Presidency as well as the Prophet. I love that man and how he can be a funny old man to serious and sincere at the same time.
Church gets a little more interesting and more like a ward every Sunday. I am starting to recognize faces and remember some names. We got our family home evening groups so we will see how that goes tomorrow. This last week for "Ward" Family home Evening we drove out to the sand dunes and had a bonfire and roasted marsh mellows. It was kinda fun except for the fact that it was COLD out there and we all got tons of sand in our shoes. When we got home one of our girls tried to vacuum out the sand from her shoe and the vacuum started smoking REALLY bad smelling smoke. We opened up the house and pushed the vacuum outside. it took a good half an hour for the smell to finally go away. YUCK! We made sure to put in a request to get it fixed. The maintenance man fixed it for us....but we are too afraid to try it so it just sits in our corner.
That's all my adventures for the week. 2 down 10 more till Thanksgiving and 14 more till Christmas.